Saturday, November 5, 2011

a new life has begun....II Cor. 5:17

The sun has set on "The Yellow Brick Road" but the path does not end......
I have reached a new beginning!

And I am embracing it! 
It goes much further than a name change or a "blog lift"......this change speaks of my life.
A very personal and significant change......and I am OH.SO.EXCITED!

If I gave you details you may never even believe what He has taken me through.
Suffice to say that I stand in awe of my God.  He is good....all the time!

The best news that I can share with you is that God is not a respecter of persons.
What He has done for me (and greater) He will do for you!
Simply because He loves you and delights in YOU.....

Let that thought sink deep into your heart.
I still have a hard time grasping it myself.
But it is true.
He loves you more than you can imagine......

Welcome to "Restored~Home."

Blessings Abundant.....



  1. WOO HOO!! YAY GOD!!! We appreciate what you are doing in Rhonda's life!! - Rhonda, I am looking forward to watching this journey unfold with you. I am thankful you are sharing. It keeps me remembering promises that God has in my own life. It's good stuff lady! (wink)

  2. So Happy for You Rhondah!!! I can not wait to see all he has in store for you! God is good!!!

  3. You go girl! Here is to many more blessings!
