Thursday, October 27, 2011

Eastlake's in the house!

ok, well, not the house actually.....more like the garage.....(I'll explain THAT part shortly)....
but "Eastlake's in the garage" just isn't as much fun to say.....go ahead, try it.....I'll wait for ya.

Disclaimer: This post involves graphic pictures and humiliating (although hysterical) details. It was written for both educational and entertainment purposes.
Please continue at your own risk....

It started like this:
I was SOOOOO excited to get an Eastlake dresser.  You know, you see something that maybe someone else has painted or redone and you want to try it for yourself.
Well, I saw a few Eastlake dressers in Bloggy Land and HAD.TO.HAVE.ONE.....
like NOW!

This is what I am talking about....

They are not all that uncommon but for some reason seemed to elude me.....
probably in part because of the IWANTITTODAY issue.....

I love the shape of these little dressers and the primitive feel that they give a room.

I am not a mirrored dresser kind of gal......many of these come with an attached mirror which, in turn, kind of prices them just a little higher than I might like to pay.
So the search ensued and continued and drug out until I was about to die.....
like almost 3 long days, already!
Sheesh....what is a "Eastlake dresser lovin' girl" to do?!

Say it with me.....CRAIGSLIST! 
No time to wait for an auction or an estate sale.....this was urgent....and yes, I know that YOU know what I mean....
I was persistent (72 hours baby) and at long last found my heart's desire....
or so I thought.

I picked up my youngest son from school (early) and we headed out across'd think that was quick but remember that I live in the Greater Houston area so "across town" is like driving across Delaware...serious.
We finally get to our destination and I am soooooo excited.  The ad said something like "inherited this gorgeous Eastlake dresser from my great- grandfather's estate..... hate to part with it but I have no room" (why do people ALWAYS say that).......or maybe he was moving and could not take it with him.....anyway, something like that but I am quite sure that Grand Pop would not have been pleased.....
yeh, right!
Back to the story......(I am building suspense so work with me here......)
I park in the driveway and give my son the "You stay here and call 911 if I am not out in 10 minutes" talk.....oh, "and LOCK the doors when I get out!"

I literally skip up the front walk and am greeted by a cute, young (but very evil) couple.
I step into their foyer and lay my eyes upon this....

Oh heart eyes well up with tears and I am in awe of the beauty of my new found treasure.

Drawers open and close properly...check
Look around the top and sides as best I can.....check.

Inspect the frame for sturdiness.....check.

Oogle the cute little drawers.....check, check.

Fall in love with the adorable little white marble slab on top.....check
although, in my defense, I was already concerned about how I would get the marble clean...

Oh, but look at the the little key holes and cut out design.....

the original hardware albeit rusty was even attractive....
pay the dimly lit foyer.....

And then I hear myself say, "Load him up!  I'll take him!"

At that point I hand over XX amount of dollars (please do NOT make me tell you....Mr. YBR does occasionally read) and they pick him up and follow me to my truck....
I am quite sure that they were high five'n each other behind my back....and I may have over heard something like..."yup, there's a sucker born every minute....."
~just maybe~

But I am still happy and I remain as such UNTIL the next day.

To be continued.......

NO.....I'm kidding.....I couldn't do that to you.......
if you have stuck it out this long you deserve to get to the end of this agonizing post......
rest assured we are almost there.

So.....out to the garage studio (it's a studio when I am creating....) the next morning and I begin to plan my makeover.....
Chalk Paint, of course.....Olive, maybe Arles......Greek Blue...
*** happy....oh so happy****

I break out the Simple Green and begin to clean my little sweetie before I work my magic.....

Removing drawers........and THIS is WHAT????

Note: graphic content below.....

Take a closer look.... this crap?

Bird crap? BIRD CRAP?
Inside the dresser?

Really?  How is it that Grand Pops had birds crapping INSIDE his dresser.....INSIDE his house.....
his estate, remember?
You don't think they may have been misrepresenting the truth?

I am still hoping that this is, in fact, bird poop....I mean, I am not an expert on bird poop but I'd rather go with that than to think it may be some sort of rodent.....
Any ideas?  Any rodent turd experts out there?
I shudder to think....REALLY.

Let's go back to this shot.....the one that lured me in.
I do birds poop on the inside of a dresser and manage to not get any on the top or the front?  Talented birds.....please, let's just continue believing together that this is birdie poop.
I still do not understand and I can only imagine where this dresser may have been.
I certainly hope not IN a house....although, when I picked him up he was happily sitting in the middle of a foyer....IN a house.....IN A HOUSE!

So, my sweet little dresser has a date....

...with a powerwasher.

And if I cannot BLOW THE CRAP OFF he may find himself back on Craigslist.....
poop and all!
(but he will never make his way INTO my house until and if he is entirely poop-free.)

Oh, and the moral of the story is.....
Check out the entire dresser.....
I do not care how cute the couple is, how long the trip was, how sad the story was.....
I will, from now on, pull the drawers ALL the way out and stick my head INTO the dresser to be sure that I am not getting MORE than I am paying for.

May I suggest that you do the same?

On a serious note, please email me with cleaning suggestions or disposal options.....and if you know more about the origin of the above mentioned feces please let me know.

The last thing I need is a bad case of "bird flu" from a Craigslist dresser.....
I don't care how long I waited for him!

(random there a "good case" of bird flu? Hmmmmm... Just pondering that.....)

****yes, I am laughing and you can too****

Blessings Abundant.....



  1. oh you poor thing! Well I Googled it...I love Google! (wink) Call a pet store, like Petsmart, and see if they have some enzymatic cleaner specifically for cleaning bird poop. There is stuff called 'Poop off' and other brands. I would clean it all really good then maybe sand it just to make sure! Good luck with that! (wink)

    On a side note I laughed out loud when you talked about your son and having him ready to call 911. ha ha ha I do that with my son as well. Too funny lady!

  2. On a side side note....I love the piece I hope it comes clean!

  3. Hi Rhonda, just want you to know how much I appreciate your quick shipping of my ASCP. It got here dent free and in record time. I found your blogspot and am so excite to follow it! Take care,


  4. What happened to this piece did the power washer work ??
