Monday, July 18, 2011

Thrifting Heaven.....

Good Monday Morning!

We had a fabulous weekend and I hope that y'all did too!  I got Mr. YBR to do a little thriftin' with me on Saturday and I think I had one of the best times EVER!  You know, I didn't really want to shop *wink*  I had to go! Now that I have a new camera I had to have something to practice on. (heeheehee) 
Mr. YBR literally had to just twist my arm start the car!  Poor guy!
I won't tell you the prices....that just wouldn't be right.  I practically stole some of these things and almost feel guilty....almost.....

These chairs are simply stunning.....

And there were quadruplets! 
I knew 4 years of French had an impact on my life.....oh how I love "frenchiness."

I cannot wait to get my hands on cushion covers and Chalk Paint are on the menu.
très bonne...oui, oui...

These little goodies were found at my new fav place.  They have a 50% off room that they lovingly call "The Hole."  And I adore that place......

You just would not believe what I paid....or did not pay, in this instance...

L.O.V.E Mason jars with zinc lids.....

Someone please tell me that this is just a beautiful enamel bucket and not a potty...

Ok, ok, I have to tell you that I paid only 3 dollars for the sweet little creamer and sugar bowl....
Can you even believe that?

I am totally in love with the white soup tureen....I almost missed that one but spotted it right before we were walking out the door!  50% off....seriously!  So happy....
And the dishes.....another find in "The Hole.....there are actually 6 place settings and they are light and delicate.  I cannot wait to have my dining room remodel complete so that I can set up a proper vignette for pics.....  Want to come and play?

I am still holding out on ya.....I have some pretty exciting news on the horizon and as soon as I can blab (yes, that is driving me wild)  YOU will be the first to know!

So, that was my weekend!  How was your's?

Blessings Abundant....


Michella Marie said...

OMGOODNESS!! Hold on while I pick my jaw up off the floor!!! Okay... Seriously!! Those chairs are AMAZING! I cannot wait to see the transformation :)) You are a lucky, lucky girl!! So excited for you!! If you find any of them in your way, just give me a call and I'll be right over to move them outta your way for ya!! Looking forward to your big news too ;))

Collected Treasures...for the home, heart and soul said...

chairs are to die for!!! Good girl for not sharing the price, cause I know you wanted to :)

Deborah March said...

Ooooohhh, I HEART those chairs...lucky, lucky you!! I'll be back to see how you transform them!

Pamela said...

Omg omg omg!!!! I Love these chairs!!! Would they slide under a dining room table? I need two.....well want two for our dining room! What a find!!!

Pamela said...

And please come on over for Treasure hunt Thursday! I just liked ya onFB and am your newest follower.

The Joyful Thrifter said...

WOW!!! GOOD DEALS AND GOOD FINDS! Perfect combo! so much fun. I can't go thrifting till the beginning of the month because I exceeded my thriftiong budget! whoops! Can't wait to get back at it!

The Joyful Thrifter

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