Wednesday, October 5, 2011

I love me some Floppin' Flower!

If that title doesn't make you read than nothing will!

My new bloggy friend, Lisa, visited my shoppe and then featured it on her blog!
How dang sweet is that?

Please "flop" (sorry had to do it) on over there and check it out!

While you are there please leave Lisa a comment and tell her that Rhonda sent you

This piece is next on my list for a makeover.....

She is headed to a formal wear consignment shoppe after she gets her new look.....

Betcha can't guess which ASCP color I'm gonna start with?

Blessings Abundant.....


  1. I'm going with hot pink....Oh wait they don't have that color in ASCP! (wink) Well....Old White then! Did I win? Can't wait to see the final results! And I laughed out loud when I read you saying "Flop on over there" I am going to have to use that one! Whitty! Anyways, I can't wait to see this one finished!
